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TEASER FADE IN EXT -- EST. SMALL STEAM LAUNCH ON OPEN SEA -- STORMY NIGHT A small steam-powered launch carries six men through extremely stormy weather toward their night-obscured destination. The storm is so severe that their safety is in serious doubt.
CLOSE ON LAUNCH OCCUPANTS -- WEST, BROWN, PILOT, ETC. James WEST draws his cloak more tightly about him as the wind threatens to tear it from him. Ned BROWN braces himself against the boiler as the waves shake the launch. The other three men hold their hats and size one another up -- as if in competition for something. West breaks the verbal silence, shouting to be heard above the wind. WEST PILOT Brown leans over to West. BROWN WEST BROWN WEST BROWN West smiles to himself. BROWN (CONT'D) Brown is NOT happy.
ANOTHER ANGLE The other three passengers look at one another, and then at the two agents. THURSTON BROWN THURSTON Thurston indicates the young man (GILLIG) next to him. THURSTON (CONT'D) Thurston now indicates HINKLEY. THURSTON (CONT'D) Hinkley ignores Thurston's comment and holds his hand out to Brown. HINKLEY The two shake hands. Pilot spots a signal and guides the launch toward it during the following exchange. THURSTON WEST Thurston laughs sadistically. THURSTON WEST THURSTON WEST THURSTON
LAUNCH APPROACHING DOCK The launch pitches violently as it reaches the dock. All aboard scramble to hold the launch near the dock as it bucks wildly in the surf.
ON DOCK All the passengers disembark except the pilot. The wind is howling even louder now. Ned Brown stops on the dock, turns. BROWN PILOT WEST The unearthly SOUND of a braying hound reaches the dock on the wind.... PILOT West and Brown exchange glances of disbelief as we.... GO TO CREDITS
ACT ONE FADE IN INT -- ESTABLISH THE MANSION -- NIGHT Thurston, Gillig, Hinkley, West, and Brown enter the Hecuba mansion with a gust of wind, which blows out half the candle illumination in the already somber house. GRUMBY, the manservant, fights to shut the main doors and then takes everyone's garments. The bray of the hound continues... ANGLE ON STAIRWELL -- LOVIA LOVIA Wentworth majestically descends the stairs, followed by her husband, HOWELL Wentworth. All eyes are drawn to this entrance. LOVIA THURSTON (to West, Brown) (back to Lovia)
ANGLE FEATURING WEST AND BROWN West, Brown acknowledge Lovia's gracious look.
PAN ROOM A young woman (ANN Summers) is playing piano in the other room, Gillig goes to her while Hinkley pours himself a brandy and takes a seat on the couch. Another woman (HELEN Grant) enters from behind West and Brown, unnoticed. Grumby leaves with the garments. LOVIA (indicates living room, piano) (to Helen, with authority) West and Brown finally notice Helen, who nods curtly at Lovia -- no love lost between these two, for sure. Helen starts to lead the way upstairs when West hesitates. WEST LOVIA Lovia finishes descending the last few stairs and enters the living room, followed by her SO. The ethereal braying continues as West and Brown follow Helen up the stairs and OS.
ON LIVING ROOM THURSTON LOVIA (glances around room knowingly) No answers. Hinkley downs his drink in one shot, Thurston takes a seat. LOVIA (CONT'D) Glances exchanged again show there is no love lost between Ann and Lovia. ANN Ann commences to play an overly-cheerful TUNE.
INT -- THE CORRIDOR -- DIM LIGHT Helen shows Brown his room, West is waiting in the hall. Brown enters, closes the door, and West and Helen continue down the hall. Brown's door opens a crack, he peaks out, then sneaks out and back the way they just came.
INT -- FANCY BEDROOM -- DIM LIGHT West and Helen entering his room, she closes the door behind them, nervousness written on her features. WEST HELEN WEST HELEN WEST HELEN WEST HELEN WEST HELEN WEST HELEN WEST Helen exits.
INT -- THE CORRIDOR -- LATER West exits his room, and runs into Brown returning from his look-about. WEST BROWN WEST BROWN WEST BROWN West and Brown head back down the hall toward the stairs.
INT -- LIVING ROOM Hinkley sits at a desk with a bunch of official-looking documents. Already present are Ann and Gillig, Lovia and Howell, Thurston nurses a drink as West and Brown descend the stairs and enter the room. Lovia takes a quick head count. HINKLEY LOVIA (annoyed) (raising her voice) Grumby enters the room at Lovia's summons, then stares at her for a long moment, finally toppling over -- dead as a doornail. West is there immediately, Brown right behind him, but can find no obvious signs of violence. Helen enters from another door to the rear of the confusion... All are on their feet in shock. LOVIA West's expression is her answer. Suddenly the lights go out. The front doors blow open violently in the wind, SMACK, and two evil glowing eyes are seen in the silhouetted opening -- at large-dog height. Sinister GROWLING of the canine kind is heard. GASPS and CRIES of 'oh no!', 'the hound!' go up from the occupants. A gunshot goes off, then the lights come up to find West and Brown on the porch, West has his derringer drawn, and there's no sign of the phantom.
EXT -- PORCH -- STORMY NIGHT Brown examines the ground around the porch carefully, West scans the area. The wind HOWLS.
ANOTHER ANGLE BROWN WEST A large, sleek, black, and sinister canine form is seen briefly in the bushes, and West's off after it, derringer at the ready.
EXT -- WILDS OF SABATINI ISLAND/GAZEBO GATE -- NIGHT West races through the bushes and is quickly out of sight of the house, and the sleek black form. He slows to a walk and begins investigating the area, wind threatening to knock him off his feet... ...and comes upon a large, enclosed gazebo, the door BANGS loudly in the violent wind. West takes a quick look about, and goes in.
INT -- GAZEBO -- NIGHT Flowers decorate the gazebo, as well as various large crates- and the light is poor. West cautiously investigates the gazebo, when FOUR GUNSELS in black hoods jump him. ONE-MINUTE FIGHT SCENE, WEST AND FOUR GUNSELS. WEST VICTORIOUS. GAZEBO TRASHED ACCORDINGLY. As West vanquishes the last gunsel, a HAND holding an ornate dagger is raised over his back, ready to deliver the coup de grace. Freeze on hand, and.... FADE TO CLIFFHANGER
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GO TO ACT TWO | ||||
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