Not a convention.... Not a publicity stunt....
What is The AG?The AG: The Wild Wild West Anniversary Gathering is a four-day gathering in Southern California on or about September 17th for anyone who loves The Wild, Wild West and can attend. The first AG took place in 1995 for the 30th anniversary of Our Favourite Show and has been an annual event ever since. Please note What Does AG Stand For?The AG in The Wild, Wild West AG is short for Anniversary Gathering... When Does The AG Take Place?The AG traditionally takes place the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday closest to the date of the premier of The Wild, Wild West on network television (September 17th, 1965). Why is the AG in Southern California?Because 90% of the series alumni live there or nearby and will be able to attend easily. What Type of Events Can I Expect?The four AG days are filled with events related to the series. Past AGs have included:
(See the SAMPLE SCHEDULE for a past example) EVENT SUGGESTIONS? E-MAIL to Jim-n-Artie: Our annual featured event is The Wild, Wild West Appreciation Dinner, which takes place on AG Saturday evening at a restaurant in the Hollywood area. As our way of saying "thank you" for 30 years of our favourite programme, we invite the alumni of The Wild, Wild West to a theme dinner at a special restaurant for a memorable evening of fun, food and frivolity... Each attendee covers the cost of their own meal and a meal of one of the series alumni. See The Ghosts of AGs Past for past restaurants and themes. Anyone wishing to propose an Appreciation Dinner guest who are Wild, Wild West alumni to be invited to the Appreciation Dinner can do so via this e-mail link or on list WILDWEST2-L.
Proposals for the current year close May 1st. The AG Committee works to have all aspects of the show represented in the scope of the Dinner invitations. Wild, Wild West alumni working as principals, make-up/costume, stunts, guest stars, writing, direction, & production are represented in the invitation list. The AG Committee Head issues invitations to those voted upon around the first week of August, with a short reminder going out three weeks later. Typically, 1/4th to 1/3rd of invited Wild, Wild West alumni do respond. The actual number varies from year to year. We cannot guarantee a particular series alumnus will attend - work or family life may intervene in someone's plans at any time. Many industry professionals wait until the week before the Appreciation Dinner to RSVP or decline so that they know whether they are working that day or not. Costs: All attendees are responsible for their own expenses. The AG Committee goes out of their way to hold inexpensive events on the whole (usually $6 or less), with the exception being The Wild, Wild West Appreciation Dinner, for obvious reasons. (See above) Please see The Ghosts of AGs Past for price examples. All events are pay as you go except the The Wild, Wild West Appreciation Dinner, which must be paid for at or before the RSVP due date. Cost will be listed in the AG page for the current event year. The AG Committee will designate a safe, reasonably-priced hotel as "AG Central". Attendees are encouraged to stay at AG Central but may make alternate housing plans. The AG Committee will have a "roomate coordinator" who will help pair people up to save on the cost of the hotel. Attendees are responsible for their own means of transportation. The AG Committee will offer to connect folks in carpools from one location to another. This does mean that some should rent vehicles if they do not already have transportation. It's suggested that carpoolers help pay for the cost of renting the vehicle and gas. Everyone who RSVPs on time will receive a packet of pertinent info, contact numbers, and an extensive set of maps for getting around approximately two weeks before that year's AG. The AG Committee seriously suggests flying in and out of Burbank Int'l Airport rather than the congested and more-distant LAX (Los Angeles International). Many airlines fly to both destinations (Southwest, Reno Air, American, America West, Sky West, United, Alaska) for the same or very close to the same price. One list member suggests getting tickets through Cheap Tickets Inc. 1-800-377-1000 . We don't endorse any company, only mention it FYI. We do know from experience that Southwest Air often has great deals if you are in their service area: 1-800-I-FLY-SWA Suggestions and/or personal menu concerns for all Meet n' Greet events (barbecues, etc.) are welcome. Mail to: Any questions? Give us a holler: | ||||
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