YOU are invited to - (AG '97 photos courtesy of Lady Luck) -our 4th annual Wild Wild West AG September 17th-20th 1998 What is the "AG"?Not a convention.... Not a publicity stunt.... The AG is the "Anniversary Gathering", as first defined by the 1995 30th Anniversary Gathering Sept 15th-17th. As our way of saying "thank you" for 30 years of our favourite programme, we invite alums of _The Wild, Wild West_ to a theme dinner in the Los Angeles area , and we foot the bill. Why LA, and not some other location? Because 90% of these folks live there or nearby and will be able to attend easily. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedule of Events
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ALL EVENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGEEVENT SUGGESTIONS? E-MAIL to Jim-n-Artie: The Appreciation DinnerThe annual Appreciation Dinner is our way of thanking our invited guests for over thirty years of our favourite programme. We throw the party at a unique dining establishment in the Los Angeles area on AG Saturday Night, and we foot the bill. For 1998, the dinner theme is The Night of the Gruesome Games. Dress is semi-formal to formal. The location of the 1998 dinner is once again Uzbekistan, on Sunset Blvd near Hollywood. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1998 Appreciation Dinner Invitation List
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How Guests are InvitedImportant NotesAnyone wishing to propose an invitee can do so via this web page or list WILDWEST2-L for the The AG Committee works to have all aspects of the show represented in the scope of the Dinner invitations. _Wild, Wild West_ alumni working as principals, make-up/costume, stunts, guest stars, writing, direction, & production are represented in the invitation list. The AG Committee Head issues invitations to those voted upon around the first week of August, with a short reminder going out three weeks later. Typically, 1/4th to 1/3rd of invited _Wild, Wild West_ alumni do attend. We cannot guarantee anyone will attend - work or family life may intervene in anyone's plans even if they RSVP. The committee is always asked whether Robert Conrad will attend. We never know, honestly, but we certainly hope so! Many industry professionals wait until the week before the Appreciation Dinner to RSVP or decline so that they know whether they are working that day or not. Misc. InformationAG CentralDays Inn -- Glendale is our '98 AG Central. Attendees will be provided with rates, maps, and all pertinent hotel information. The AG CommitteeYour 1998 AG Committee is:
Lady Luck will coordinate roomates and rental cars for all attendees wishing this service. Everyone who RSVPs on time will receive a packet of pertinent info and an extensive set of maps for getting around. The AG Committee usually suggests flying in and out of Burbank Int'l Airport rather than the congested and more-distant LAX. Most airlines fly to both destinations for the same price. One list member suggests getting tickets through Cheap Tickets Inc. 1-800-377-1000 . We don't endorse this company, only mention it FYI. We do know from experience that Southwest Air often has great deals -1-800-I-FLY-SWA
Suggestions for the menus on Thursday and Friday nights are welcome. Mail to:
Any questions? Give us a holler: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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