Waycross Journal-Herald, Monday August 23, 1999 P-7

Book Reflects Richness Of Jewish Culture

Staff Writer

Teachers, parents and grandparents desiring to help children appreciate the richness
of Jewish culture now have a new resource - a collection of 38 stories for the young,
brought together in "Lights Along the Path."

Special education teacher Rebecca Schacht presents these read-aloud tales from
Jewish tradition in three sections: Kindergarten, lst-3rd grades, and 4th-6th grades.

In the margin of selected tales, New York illustrator Jacqui Morgan presents, one by
one, the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, with a brief explanation of the symbolism
attached to each.

The publisher of this attractive softback is Chelsey Press of Beverly Hills, Calif.
which specializes infine cultural literature for children" and has in preparation a
series of folklore stories for children to include Native American tales and several
Asian traditions.

"Lights Along the Path" gives wise and true imaginative pictures that bring delight
and nourishment for their mind and hearts," comments Mala Powers, author of
"Follow the Star" and "Follow the Year."

The 38 retold stories in "Lights Along the Path"' range from the familiar to the
obscure and are from Jewish sources in ancient times, the Middle Ages, and up to
19th century Russia.

Included in its 196 pages are an overviewof Jewish literature, a chapter on
appropriate stories for children at each age, a glossary, index, and selected