Your favourite
WB Film Poster


small poster image.

  • 6.7"x9.8" JPG image (72 dpi)

  • 6.7"x9.8" JPG image (150 dpi)
  • At this year's AG, friends and fans of the coolest tv show ever had a chance to express their inner feelings about the WB Film Fiasco through art.

    And fans selected their favourite improvements. It was close, with the top two separated by only one vote, but the winners are:

    Gold Medal Winner

    Silver Medal Winner

    Bronze Medal Winner
    The original poster is winging its way to the winning artist
    (Cal Lynn), to dispose of in any manner she feels fit. (And she is more than welcome to share the details of its demise with W2-L members in extreme detail.)

    Thank you to all our artists and voters!

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